GlowCode (64-bit)

GlowCode (64-bit) 9.0 Build 2007

GlowCode (64-bit) detects memory and resource leaks, finds performance bottlenecks, traces program execution, and finds unexecuted code. GlowCode is a complete performance toolset for Windows programmers, and diagnoses all Win32 EXEs and DLLs developed...

HeapMemView is a small utility that allows you to view the content of all memory blocks allocated in the heap of the process the you select. This tool can be useful for developers that need to trace memory leaks in their software.What is new in this...

HTTP Debugger is an HTTP and SSL / HTTPS monitoring and analyzing tool that helps developers to locate and fix website errors, and to debug Internet applications. No changes required for browser and/or application proxy settings to use the HTTP Debugger....

Issue Tracker is a newly developed intuitive bug tracking and project management system. It offers such features as the ability to sort and search, control user access, and receive email notification. This version is the first release on CNET...


JAutomate AI 2.2

JAutomate is a fourth generation GUI test automation tool based on intelligent image recognition and may visually see where to click and what to verify on screen, just like a human tester. This makes it possible to record and playback any application that...

Java Development Kit contains the software and tools that you need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications that you've written using the Java programming language. JDK has as its primary components a collection of programming tools, including...

The Java Development Kit contains the software and tools that you need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications that you've written using the Java programming language. JDK has as its primary components a collection of programming tools,...


jBixbe 1

jBixbe gives you a new innovative way to debug and visualize Java applications on the conceptual level of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) at which they are designed and makes it possible to find weaknesses and insufficiencies in application design. It...


JSLint 0.8.1

JSLint is a JavaScript program that looks for problems in JavaScript programs. It is a code quality tool. It is A Notepad++ plug-in that allows users to run JSLint (The JavaScript Code Quality Tool) against their open JavaScript files. The errors will be...


K2xMon 1.2

K2xMon is a standalone utility that captures memory dumps on the fly, without attaching an external debugger, or terminating target processes. Generated dump files can be analyzed by using standard debugging tools such as WinDbg. Version 1.2 adds...