NoSQL Viewer for BigData

NoSQL Viewer for BigData 1.0.90 updated

NoSQL Viewer is a free innovative and powerful software product for popular Big Data NoSQL databases MongoDB, Couchbase, Apache Cassandra, CouchDB, HBase. This unique product provides NoSQL developers with convenient and easy to use GUI framework for data...

dbExpress is a database-independent layer that defines common interface for fast access to SQLite from Delphi on Windows and Mac OS X for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. For this database engine, dbExpress provides a driver as an independent...

Easy Access is free database application that can help you to view, create and edit MS Access database files (mdb, accdb). Using nice looking user interface you are able to work with database tables, view and run queries, list, add and delete indexes...

Do you have such kind experience that you can not view the complete SQL Script because of the reason with "With Encryption" when you view the Stored Procedure, View, Trigger and Function of MS SQL Server? If yes, the DecrypSQL can help you to view the...

PostgreSQL Database Server

PostgreSQL Database Server updated

PostgreSQL Database Server is a powerful, open source relational database system. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, SunOS, Tru64), BeOS, and Windows. PostgreSQL is an open-source...

NoSQL Viewer

NoSQL Viewer 1.0.95 updated

NoSQL Viewer is a free innovative and powerful software product for popular Big Data NoSQL databases MongoDB, Couchbase, Apache Cassandra, CouchDB, HBase. This unique product provides NoSQL developers with convenient and easy to use GUI framework for data...

Nmp-server is a collection server package containing. You can start or stop each server. You can configure the servers with required settings. Nginx and PHP can be configured before the server start but MySQL require service start to configure. MySQl can...

Installation Copy and unzip in a folder. For Unix based OS run mkfile(./mkfile). It will create, which is the start up file for the application. Installing Database Drivers Copy jar file(s) into root folder or modify DRIVER_CLASSPATH to...