
Streampie 0.9

Stream your music & videos everywhere, straight from your own PC. Share & discover with friends, or keep everything private. No network knowledge needed. Just scan the QR-code and you're instantly connected to your PC. Our goal is to re-establish...

Synchronize your Palm with both Palm Desktop and Microsoft Outlook with SwitchSync. SwitchSync runs on Windows desktop, it is used to configure your Palm HotSync settings. After you set up the HotSync settings, you may synchronize your Palm with both Palm...



SyncOnDemand offers Real-time synchronization of files between local directories, different drives, or across a local network to other computers or over the internet to or from an FTP site. In realtime mode, SyncOnDemand runs in the background, monitoring...


SyncUs 3.0

This Windows program lets you share/sync information between 2 or more handhelds. It shows you the calendar and address items that are different on 2 handhelds, and lets you transfer any of these items to the other at the click of a button. It is ideal...