
e911Help 7.14

At last! A 911 radio dispatching program with the features of a mainframe program that would cost many thousands of dollars, yet e911Help does it all on any personal computer for a fraction of what you would expect to pay! Favorably reviewed in...


EffiValidation 3.0 lite

EffiValidation is designed to meet requirements of Testing and Calibration laboratories accredited in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025 and Quality Control laboratories operating under the GxP compliance requirements. It help to resolve the following...

Eritrium CRM

Eritrium CRM 11.61.01

Eritrium CRM is Small Business multi-Lingual/multi-user Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) with a Help Desk Management System. Eritrium also incorporates an Asset Management package for IT Managers. It uses a standard "explorer-like"...

esHelpDesk Pro is Tech Support software for the small and home based business, it can be used stand-a-lone or on a network. It will allow you to track your support calls as well as set call priority, issue RAM?s and bill repair tickets. You can also view...

Improve your customers and business partners communication. This CRM software is intended for people who are in everyday contact with customers and business partners. Features: account manager, note manager, task manager, diary, document manager, business...

Forte CRM Solo is a free complete electronic contact file. It's a self-contained CRM tool, for the small businesses that has growth in mind. As the first of the extensive Forte CRM product range, it provides contact based CRM features to automate your...

Green Desktiny is software that professionally designed for customer support helpdesk. It is powerful, simple and easy to use, yet with reasonable price. Since customer satisfaction is a major concern for our daily business in the internet, this product...


GSCM 1.0.2

A specialized contact management system with the emphasis on managing and documenting the relationships between contacts. You can also create events and meetings, and attach people to them. GSCM incorporates a diary and 'to do' system and audit log, and...