
Sumac 4.2.19

Sumac is an easy, complete and cost effective software for managing non-profit data. It manages everything from contacts, communications, and donations, to events, volunteers and memberships in one place, so you can be better organized, and more...


EffiValidation 3.0 lite

EffiValidation is designed to meet requirements of Testing and Calibration laboratories accredited in accordance with EN ISO/IEC 17025 and Quality Control laboratories operating under the GxP compliance requirements. It help to resolve the following...

Lets you manage customers and leads to increase sales and profits. It a complete system that is the application to track customer information such as contacts and customer notes. Track who owes you money and what each customer needs. The lead tracker...

Forte CRM Solo is a free complete electronic contact file. It's a self-contained CRM tool, for the small businesses that has growth in mind. As the first of the extensive Forte CRM product range, it provides contact based CRM features to automate your...


onCourse 4.0.1

onCourse allows you to track your students, courses and enrolments comprehensively. With minimal training your staff will be able to easily manage the most important information from across your organization: web site pages, students, enrollments,...


Oasis/ClientManagerSB 2 release 1 build 2

Integrated Business-to-Business customer service and product management system. Oasis/ClientManagerSB is a plug-in-play system that includes help desk, product support, support scheduling, e-mail support, product management, and decision support...

Customer application is an application in On Cloud CRM system which can be installed on customers computer and can be connected to your CRM database and would help your organisation to stay connected to your customer 24 by 7. Customer application...

onCourse allows you to track your students, courses and enrolments comprehensively. With minimal training your staff will be able to easily manage the most important information from across your organization: web site pages, students, enrolments,...