Clean Slate

Clean Slate 7.0 Build 4432

Clean Slate is designed to protect public access computers from malicious or inexperienced users. While not restricting users' activities, this product will scour drives back to their original state upon reboot or log off. It restores the computer to...

Take control of your cyber risk with Datplan's cyber control software Allowing companies to implement a robust cyber risk management framework, monitor file passwords to aid with GDPR and data privacy regulations and a fraud reporting suite to...


Deskman 6.0 updated

Deskman allows you to tightly secure desktops and lock computers, and it's suited for both home users and administrators. Combining different options, you can achieve the desired level of security. Deskman is advanced, yet accessible, desktop security...

Deskman Network

Deskman Network 5.1 updated

Deskman Network is an advanced security management solution for Windows. Lock down workstations with Deskman. Create secure environments at work, school or home. Easily. Featuring a simple interface, Deskman allows you to combine restrictions and options...