
SurveilStar 3.28.633 updated

SurveilStar is a powerful and easy-to-use PC monitoring, employee monitoring software that improves productivity. It records every detail of computer and Internet activities - emails, chats and instant messages, web sites visited, search history, program...


cPWD 1.91

Security requirements demand dynamic password changes across hundreds of systems. Use cPWD to maintain multiple, local account passwords on all NT and Windows 2000 systems participating in the domain. Flexible filters allow you to target specific systems...


PhoneSweep 5.4 build 784

Released in 2006, PhoneSweep 5.4 is the latest version of our commercial telephone line scanning tool. PhoneSweep permits you to dial telephone numbers under your control and identify systems (phone, fax, modem) so dialed. Useful for organizations with...

XML Link dumper

XML Link dumper 1.2 beta

This is a simple tool which reads a targets sitemap.xml file, dumps all the elements (URL's) and displays them in a GUI of which all the links can be clicked and navigated. This is a more elegant and practical way of mapping out a web server. Doing so...