

CryptoNote is a secure HTML "Webpage Clipper" and RTF notes keeper, personal information database, journal/diary, file encryptor and email encryption utility. Use CryptoNote to clip articles and graphics directly from webpages using copy/paste. Its the...

CSV Splitter is a simple tool for your CSV files. It will split large comma separated files into smaller files based on a number of lines. CSV Splitter will process millions of records in just a few minutes. It will work in the background so you can...


Csv2vcf 17.01

Today, there are cheap mobile phones that do not have Android operating system, but still they are able to carry out operations that were previously not possible. I needed to transfer contacts that I got in the Excel table to such a phone....


CSVfix 1.5

CSVfix is a command-line tool specifically designed to deal with CSV data. With it you can, convert fixed format, multi-line and DSV files to CSV, record, remove, split and merge fields, convert case, trim leading and trailing spaces, search for specific...

The CRM system for the small and medium sized company. Organize your customers, contacts, order and notes in one easy to use solution that helps you to work smarter. CustomerBase can be customized to you or you can use the standard solution in both you...