
pyScss 1.3.4

pyScss compress SCSS code into CSS, allowing Python developers to use SCSS inside their Python apps.Sass is a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) metalanguage.It is a scripting language that is interpreted into CSS.The module is fully compatible with SCSS (Sass)...


Myth 1.5.0 updated

Unlike most CSS preprocessors that use a highly specialized markup language that compilers to standards-compliant CSS, Myth looks most of the time like normal CSS and when compiled produces standards compliant CSS code.The basic principles behind Myth is...


Middleman 4.1.1 updated

Or in simpler terms: a static site compiler (generator) for Ruby.Middleman functions in the same way as other static site generators, working based on a set of configuration files, template handlers and content storage files.Middleman reads the configs...

JS Console

JS Console 1.1.1

JS Console provides a visual tool that behaves just like a JavaScript interpreter, but works inside a browser window, like a regular Web app.Modern browsers provide access to the browser's JavaScript engine console, as a quick way of running custom JS...


lessphp 0.5.0

LESS stands for Leaner CSS and it's an extension to the CSS language adding support for variables, nested rules, mixins and operations.In most cases, developers use either Ruby or JavaScript to convert LESS files to normal CSS.This PHP library provides a...


CL-JavaScript 0.12.03

CL-JavaScript allows developers to add scripts to Common Lisp applications.It is to Common List as JavaScript is to HTML. CL-JavaScript is actually a JavaScript to Common Lisp translator, runtime, and standard library.The Lisp compiler takes JavaScript...


pagen.js 0.2.4

pagen.js allows JS developers to install and deploy a basic website structure within minutes.pagen.js can be used for small to medium websites, working by taking the content from local files and assembling it as static HTML pages with the help of a page...