101 Clips

101 Clips 18.04 updated

If you ever wished that you could copy more than a single clip from one document before pasting to another, 101 Clips is for you. With 101 you can copy up to 25 times and unlike other multi clipboards, 101 shows you a preview of each clip before you paste...

101 Screen Shots is a screen capture program to include its own organizer as well as an editor. It will get your point across immediately with a screen shot, splash text, and clip art arrows. Capture your screen, add colorful effects and helpful...

The 1St Choice Clipboard manager floats on top of your current work. Whenever you cut or copy, the clip appears in one of the slots. The slot only shows the first few words of each text clip or the words "Graphic Clip" but when you move the mouse pointer...

500 Clips

500 Clips 4.40

500 Clips can copy and store up to 500 different clips, text or graphic. You can allocate hot keys or macros to clips and paste them directly from your keyboard. It also has a superb encryption system which allows you to sign in to all your web sites...

Abc Clips can copy and store up to 500 different clips, text or graphic. You can allocate hot keys or macros to clips and paste them directly from your keyboard. It also has a superb encryption system which allows you to sign in to all your web sites...

Abridge Insert

Abridge Insert 1.3 updated

Abridge Insert is a very useful keyboard and clipboard extender. Using Hotkey combinations, it allows you to easily insert commonly-used text into any application, such as a word processors, email programs, tables, IDEs, etc. Abridge Insert can also add...

The Ace Clipboard floats on top of your current work. Whenever you cut or copy, the clip appears in Ace. To paste back a clip, all you have to do is click on the one you want. The clips window only shows the first few words of each clip but when you move...


AceText 3.1.2

AceText is a companion that eases and speeds up your everyday computer activities, whether that is writing reports or documents, text editing, programming, collecting information, conducting research, sending and responding to e-mail, messaging and...

aClipboard Manager manages text clipboards in an easy way. Users do not need any practice to be comfortable with aClipboard Manager because it is an easy-to-use program. Though the feature is limited to managing only text clipboards but most people only...

Alpha Clipboard

Alpha Clipboard 9.04 updated

Alpha Clipboard is a lightweight, handy and convenient solution to expand your Windows clipboard from one to twenty five items. Its also an excellent screen capture application which allows you to size and crop your screen shots as well as add text,...