Paste Master

Paste Master 9.8 updated

Paste Master is a clipboard manager that allows you to save up to 99 items that you have placed in the clipboard and be able to paste them again later. It recognizes certain types of text and allows you to paste them in special ways. This feature is very...

Paste Wizard is a grid-based clipboard manager that saves multiple clipboards. Paste Wizard is an easy to use clipboard manager that allows you to easily paste saved clipboards again later. It has the following advantages. Compact grid display...

Pasteboard Recorder is an application to record a content of your pasteboard of Mac OS X automatically. It can record content of a paste board to 60. Contents to record are not limited to a text. you can use it for various uses. And this software can save...


PasteFiler 1.2.1

PasteFiler is a tool to integrate your Clipboard with the Finder. It is easy to copy data from some application to the Clipboard, but hard to get that data in the Clipboard into its own file. If you have a file that you want to put into the Clipboard, you...


PopClip 2019.10 updated

PopClip appears when you select text with your mouse, and puts Cut, Copy and Paste at your fingertips. What is new in this release:Fix: Avoid duplicate actions sometimes appearing in the PopClip bar. Fix: Avoid unintentional "auto copy"...


PopMaker 0.1

PopMaker is an OS X app for generating PopClip extensions. It's currently limited in scope to "search" extensions and "surround" extensions. You simply fill in the fields and hit the button to save to disk or install immediately. It even lets you import...


Quokka 1.4

Quokka provides you with 10 fully functional clipboards (in addition to the standard cmd+c clipboard) that you can access through freely customizable keyboard shortcuts. Copy multiple images, text or other data in parallel and keep frequently used...


RoomTeem 1.0

Digital Zone has created this utility to quicken the working process within the company and especially to make their designers happy: now you can send any clipboard content within your network by means of a couple of mouse clicks. It is quite a new idea...


Scribe 1.1.0

Scribe lets you copy anything from your Mac to your mobile device, without Wi-Fi. Select text, links, numbers or small images, and simply press "COMMAND + SHIFT + X" to instantly transfer your selection from your Mac to your iOS Device. See your sent...


ShelfMenu 2.0.1

With ShelfMenu, you can store all sort of information and have it accessible with a couple of mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts. The information is stored without any losses, and you can always restore it for further use.The main idea is: "If you can...