MetalMint is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, created especially for the Mint Display Manager style created by the same author.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Metro is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, trying to reassemble the look and feel of the METRO style of the Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft.After installing this theme, you should:- Change bottom panel height to 38px-...

Metro(Green) is an open source and green theme for the Cinnamon 1.8 desktop environment, heavily inspired by the Metro user interface of the Windows 8 desktop environment.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following...


Midnight 1.2

Midnight is a free and dark theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment. Wallpaper: Deep Blue by IrvingGFM - and Icons - to...

Minty Colors

Minty Colors 0.2 Beta 1

Minty Colors is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, designed in such a way that it will change its color based on the current GTK theme and wallpaper.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following...

Minty is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment that features some flavour of Linux Mint. It is compatible with Cinnamon 1.6.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Mountain Lion is a free theme for the Cinnamon desktop environment, specially designed for OSX fans. It also works with the GNOME-Shell and Unity desktop environments.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following...