
MoxQuizz 0.9.0

MoxQuizz project is an IRC quiz/trivia script for eggdrop.MoxQuizz is a multilingual IRC quiz/trivia script for eggdrops which acts as a game master. A question is posted to the channel, and all chatter is searched for the answer. If something matches an...


MSNCP 0.8.0 Beta

The MSNCP is a complete client that works over the MSN net. It's a Python script and doesn't require any installation.MSNCP is written on Curses and takes the MSN protocol support from the Alberto Bertogli's msnlib.The basic idea of the MSNCP is to be an...


Beacon 1.3 Alpha

Beacon is the successor to Pythot, in turn a fork of phenny.Developer commentsI plan on porting modules from phenny and Pythot (it's not that difficult, just upgrade it for Python 3 and change around a few variable names).After that, edit the...


CJC 1.2.1

CJC is a XMPP/Jabber client for text-mode terminals. It uses PyXMPP library for XMPP comunication and curses for screen output. It is not fully-featured yet, but still quite usable. Its user interface is resembling those of popular IRC clients like...


OTFBot 1.0.0

OTFBot s a modular IRC bot written in Python. It is very easy to extend using Python modules.What is new in this release:Many fixes and further prepartion for the release of 1.0.0. What is new in version 1.0 Beta 2:Code from git master was...


nagircbot 0.0.33

nagircbot (Nagios IRC bot) announces the Nagios status on an IRC channel.Type:./nagircbot -hfor a list of options.What is new in this release:improved irc protocol handling - should now be compatible with more IRC servers What is new in version...


Eggdrop 1.6.21

Eggdrop is the world's most popular open source Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot. Originally created by Robey Pointer in December 1993 for use on a channel called #gayteen, it has spawned an almost cult like following of users. It is a feature rich program...

gocept.bender is a Jabber bot.Its main functionality is to be always online, joined to a groupchat (MUC), and to accept messages to say there via HTTP POST. Thus, other systems (e.g. Nagios, Continuous Integration etc.) can perform Jabber notifications...


VoiceChatter 1.4.7

VoiceChatter is a cross-platform and free voice communication (chat) application. It was designed with gaming in mind, but can be used for many other purposes.Why write VoiceChatter? Because there is no voice communication application that I am aware...

pidgin privacy please project is a pidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying you. You can block messages from certain users, block messages from people who are not on your contact list, and suppress repeated authorization requests. Optionally, senders...