
Birdie 0.3

Birdie is an open source and beautiful Twitter client, especially designed for the famous elementary OS Linux distribution, which integrates deeply with your Linux operating system.From tweeting to searching, Birdie includes all the basic Twitter...


err 2.0.0 Beta

err is a plugin-based XMPP chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable. It is written in python and it is based on jabberbot_ and yapsy_ with some minor modifications for the first one.Features:Tested with hipchat_ and...


mrpump 0.2

mrpump is a Twitter bot, using tweepy.To use0. Install Mr. Pump.1. Set up an account for Mr. Pump on Twitter.2. Follow Pump's account, and make him follow yours.3. Visit Log in as your Pump user. Create a new 'application.'4. Remember...


TinyURL 1.3

TinyURL is a Konversation script that makes a TinyURL ( from a given URL.Just copy it to /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts/ (system wide) or to ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts/ (for just your...


Fishbot 0.2

Fishbot provides a clone of the Qnet IRC fishbot service.Fishbot is an IRC bot service written in PHP. It's a clone of the original fishbot that Qnet uses.This script is a "clone" of the real fishbot that is used on Quakenet. I don't know if it works...


botnet 1.6.4

Botnet is a communication library for the IRC protocol. The library can be build by many ways. If you wish to use the lib to build clients only (bots for example), run the configure with no options. But if you wish to use the lib for building servers,...


ytalk 3.1.1

YTalk is a compatible replacement for the Unix talk(1) program, which adds a number of features. Mainly, it can talk to more than one person at a time, and it can the two different types of talk daemons out there.To install this commands are...


F-IRC 1.36

F-IRC is a free and open source command-line application implemented in C and designed to provide users with a console/command-line IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client, supporting multiple servers, scrollback, and all the basic features one can expect from...


SeeBorg 0.51

SeeBorg project is a C++ IRC chatbot.SeeBorg is a C++ version of PyBorg, the IRC chatbot. It was written completely from scratch and uses the botnet library for IRC interaction.SeeBorg is a random phrase bot that will sit on IRC channel, learning the...