An Eastern European 10-card plain-trick game with bidding, played by three players with a 32-card Piquet deck. This realization suggests variant of the cards' pack by Pavel Fedotov, an amateur Russian painter of 19th century.What is new in this...

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Chinese Fool

Chinese Fool 1.1.1

The player arranges two stacks of five face down cards each for himself and an opponent. Then he must lays one card face up on each face down card. The remaining cards are shared between players. The lead belongs to the opponent. He can call trumps. The...

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Cards are dealt face-down into nine (in 36 cards game) or into thirteen (in 52 cards game) columns. The top card of each colomns flips. The cards must be collected by couples (six with six, Dame with Dame). After a face-down card is uncovered it is...

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