
Bit-Calc 1.0 beta

Are you not a math nerd but you want to master converting between file size measurements in your head? Bit-calc can help. It's a handy tool that converts between bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, and giga-bytes. This is a beta version. ...

With Compound Interest Calculator, calculate total amount you will get after particular duration of time including compound interest. Depend upon the initial investments, regular investments, number of years, and rate of interest it will calculate your...

Maths calculator is a simple calculator for mathematics. It can do scientific calculations, calculus, and plot multiple graphs. The user can input the mathematics expression the same way he is used to in writing. It supports brackets and nested brackets...

A Simple tool for Windows, It calculates the time duration between two given dates. Calculate the number of days between two dates. Calculate the number of seconds between two dates. Calculate the number of hours between two dates. You will have the...


Calcooler 1.1

Very powerful and fast programmer's tool which combines notepad and calculator. You can perform simple and complex operations, convert values between DEC, HEX, OCT and BIN formats using 8,16,32 and 64 bit signed/unsigned integers. In addition it has...