ESBDateCalc Pro is our Date and Time Calculator for Windows and it aims to provide a sophisticated yet easy to use tool to perform Date and Time Calculations. This includes displaying various information for a given year and a given date, as well as doing...

A Little Polish Never Hurt Anyone: Evrnet Unit Converter v2.0 was our most successful application to date; bar none. Unit Converter v2.5 aims to build on its past success. At first glance, it doesn't look like drastic changes took place. Well, you may...

CalcVendor lets you create a calculator with windows and a button on your browser, where the button calls a function you wrote which gets or sets values in the windows. The function can be a arithmetic, a formula or a C-like function with many...

This tool gathers between the simplicity and ease of use of a simple calculator and the ability to solve complex math procedures. Here is a brief description of the exciting capabilities of mathwizard: 1. Matrices : >For real and complex matrices. >for...

Rolling Total is a powerful Windows application that allows users to create a list of virtually anything with instant budget feedback. List totals are updated per-keystroke, and quantities can be added in-line, rather than manually multiplying an item by...



Elevations is a software for the calculation of elevations in Bridge projects allowing to consider the road layout and the definition of the bridge deck. The data required is the definition of the main characteristics of the deck, the skew angle and the...

Not just another weight conversion tool. IndianGold is focussed at converting some local indian weight units such as ratti, tola, bhori, etc. in addition to standard units. It has a simple convenient user interface which converts to multiple units with...