An application for AUTOCAD 2002-2018, which makes the triangulation of a set of POINT entities, the intersection curves (isolines) between a set of 3DFACE entities and a set of equidistance plans, horizontally or vertically and the volume and center of...


RTOPO 3.7 updated

Simple, powerful and inexpensive CAD software for surveying. You can do triangulation, isolines, color-filled contour maps, sections, intersections, volume and much more. You can process hundreds of thousands of points or triangles, even on less powerful...

An application for AUTOCAD 2002-2018 or BricsCAD V15-V17, which determines the developed section of one set of 3DSOLID, 3DMESH or 3DFACE entities and vertical planes passing through a 2D POLYLINE which may contain arcs, in XOY plane. Developed section is...

An application for AUTOCAD 2002-2018 or BricsCAD V15-V17, which determines the intersection curves between 2 sets consisting of 3DFACE, 3DSOLID or 3DMESH entities. The outcome is represented by 3DPOLY entities. It can also generate 3DFACE entities,...

GWB is an application for AutoCAD 2013-2018. It serves to identify wooden rectangular beams from 3D AUTOCAD, DWG or DXF drawings. Beams can be cut perpendicularly or nonperpendicularly to the ends. DWG or DXF files can be created directly in...