
sem.Note 2.0

Create personal notes sem.Note represents an ideal supportive instrument for your daily tasks at the office. You can create notes easily, flexibly and fast. Moreover, they can be managed from everywhere. Integration in the Cloud Office The...


3dcart 6.0

3dcart gives you all the tools to create your website and online store. Start with over 50 website templates and the ability to create your own designs using HTML & CSS. Our exclusive Quick Edit Bar let's you make design changes in real-time as well...


BIME 5.3

Bime is a powerful modern BI tool capable of turning data from any source into valuable insights and actionable information thus empowering decision-making and impacting business results. Through its pure cloud model, it turns the web into a seamlessly...


RUBI 1.1

CMIS presents a new and bespoke way for you and your organization to store your data. Available for your use at any time, CMIS is proud to announce RUBI (Runtime Business Information) - ideally suited for your business needs. Features include: designed...