

A handy and seamlessly easy to use web browser that allows you to search content on the Internet without having to worry about traffic interception. Every Time you access the Internet, you leave traces that can get collected by your internet service...

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Word Filter can switch people's genders, unabbreviate words, and abbreviate words. It's simple to add rules to the list and just as easy to remove them. The control panel also allows you to turn it off in case of serious business. It can block out words...

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WorldIP for Firefox shows the real location of web server, IP, Datacenter, Ping, Traceroute, RDNS, and AS. It often shows different countries from similar add-ons, because it is based on data from core routers worldwide, and not on whois data. It can...

WOT is a website reputation and review service that helps you make informed decisions about whether to trust a website or not when you are searching, shopping or surfing online. WOT simply shows website reputations as traffic lights next to search results...

WOT's safe browsing tool warns you about risky sites that can't be trusted: Online shops that cheat customers; download sites that deliver malware; sites that send spam; and those with inappropriate content for kids. Millions of members of the WOT...

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X New Tab Page is one great Chrome extension by using HTML5. It provides speed dials for top or popular sites, and is easier to open your installed chrome apps. More importantly, it organizes hundreds of popular sites' logo in the cloud, so that users...

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