Winamp Lyrics Opener automatically opens the lyrics of the currently playing song in Winamp. Just click on the WA icon on the system tray to open the lyrics or configure Winamp Lyrics Opener to open the lyrics file automatically. You can open the lyrics...

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View the lyrics to any song on your Winamp playlist using the Lyrics Head lyrics database. Lyrics will be found using the filename or the ID3 tags for MP3 files. By using this plugin, you will no longer have to repeatedly play a song just to determine its...

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WinCD 1.0

From the developer: "WinCD is a audio-player with a pitch control. It plays CD-, MP3-, WAV- and OGG-Vorbis-files. It supports freeDB and ID3-Tags. You can also grab from CD tracks and encode them into mp3. The cd play-back is completely digitally, so that...

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Streaming television for your PC connected to a broadband connection. 93 channels. Completely safe, no adware or spyware installed. No personal information collected. Easy to use and minimal system impact. Best of all you can participate in the channel...

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