
Waver 2.95

Waver converts WAV/MP3 files to WAV or MP3 using all processors in the system. Windows audio codecs are used for WAV/MP3 to WAV conversion. Waver both reads and writes MP3 files. It is also capable of writing WAV encoded MP3 files using LAME and Blade...


WAVESampler 4.1.2

BEST DESIGN Inspired by the audio equipments with metallic finish, and gradient glass elements, WAVESampler design is a combination of elegance and modernity. CONSIDERED THE BEST OF PARA Consecrated by Para's DJs as the best sampler of...

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WaveShop (64-bit)

WaveShop (64-bit)

WaveShop (64-bit) is a free and open-source audio editor. Editing a portion of an audio file only affects that portion and the rest of the file is untouched. Blocks of audio can be cut and pasted without changing their contents at all. This is especially...