sloop.splitter is a realtime sound effect software.It samples sounds from any source and dissects them. It searches for waveforms and repeats them from one repetition to thousands. So, it generates synthetic sounds from natural ones. The waveforms are...

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Rhythmweb 0.4

Rhythmweb lets you control Rhythmbox remotely, from your web browser. Rhythmweb is not an Internet radio server - it does not play music in your web browser, rather it lets you control Rhythmbox on a machine other than the one it is running on. Rhythmweb...

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Sphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer software. It is also a collection of open source tools and resources that allows researchers and developers to build speech recognition systems.It is released under the BSD...

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Xtreme Media Player is an multimedia player application that works on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.Xtreme Media Player is licensed under GPLv2 (GNU General Public License Version 2).Features:player: support for different audio formats: mpeg audio (mp3),...

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Steev's Midi Library is a library that can parse and create MIDI files. It uses generic C without extensions or Unix-isms. It includes examples to generate music for the Mozart dice, RTTTL conversion, MIDI file 1 to 0 conversion, and a basic dumper...

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lv2-c++-tools package contains some tools and libraries that may come in handy when writing LV2 plugins. They are all part of the software package lv2-c++-tools. You can generate HTML API documentation by running 'doxygen' in the top level of the source...

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playCopy 1.1

playCopy is a very simple Python script, witch could be executed in GNOME environment using a Hotkey and copies the current playing song (artist + title) to the clipboard. Supports various players.playCopy is a Python script, wich is designed for the...

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Streamtastic 0.4.1

Streamtastic is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the Streamripper command-line tool. It is written in Java (Swing).With Streamtastic you can easily rip multiple Online Radio streams at once. It allows you to browse the Shoutcast YellowPages and then...

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Cover Thumbnailer is a small Python script for Nautilus, which displays music album covers, preview of pictures which are in a folder and more.The script fits in nautilus like any other thumbnailer of the GNOME thumbnail factory; so you don't have to run...

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