MP3 Diags

MP3 Diags 1.0

MP3 Diags is a GUI-based application that allows end-users to identify issues with their MP3 files, fix some of the issues and make other changes, like adding track information. It also lets you "look inside" an MP3 file. Unlike some programs that are...

MP3 Diags

MP3 Diags 1.2.01 / 1.3.00

MP3 Diags is an open source application that can identify numerous problems in MP3 audio files.It can fix some of the issues found and make other changes, such as adding track information.Basically, this software allows you to look inside a MP3 file.What...

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ZebraTuner is a guitar tuner and generic instrument tuner. The project compares frequencies detected in the signal coming from the microphone to standard or user-defined notes, displaying the results in both graphical and textual form.The number of notes...

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