
Lyricsnapper 1.0.6

Lyricsnapper displays lyrics for songs. It can integrate with iTunes and automatically display the lyrics for the currently playing song. Lyrics can then be saved to the iTunes track. There is also an option to auto-save the lyrics for your songs as they...

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Edit your mp3's without having to decode them and then encode to mp3 again (loss of quality). Edit (copy, paste, trim, etc), volume/balance change, fade in/out, insert silence, and split/merge functions. Tag and other info display. If you collect mp3's...

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WinMediaScripts Ultimate Collection is comprised of 60+ mini applications (scripts) which control and extend iTunes to do all of the things you wished it would do. Create playlilst with ease, rename track's albums, artists, etc., bulk, find all of those...

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iLike Sidebar for iTunes helps users share your playlists with friends, discover FREE music from new artists who match your tastes, share your music library and tastes online.Version 1.1.41 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.What...

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REC 2.1.3

REC: record on the fly for free. Very simple app for audio recording. First click launch the app, second click record. After recording you can select which part of the file you want to save. This version is the first release on CNET is...

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HiFi WMA Splitter Joiner is an easy-using digital audio editor. It builds wma cutter and wma joiner in one software. supporting batch wma files splitter and joiner into one. It can extract the best parts of various audio files. It can also join the best...

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Patented solutions in iWOW Premium greatly improve the playback of audio by creating an expansive sound stage, putting you, the listener, in the center of the performance. iWOW Premium also restores audio cues that are buried in the original source...

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Simplify Media

Simplify Media 2.5 build 1433

Enjoy music and photos from home while at work or school. Explore friends' music and their photo colleactions while they are online. Just sign in, invite your colleagues and friends and start sharing your favorite songs. Simplify Media works with iTunes...

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This program enables you to create playlist directly from the content of your music folder on your sandisk sansa e200 series (e230, e240, e250, e280) MP3 players. The Program supports the mini SD card slot as well as the internal memory. The playlists are...

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PSP sQuad is a bundle of SIX equalizer plug-ins. PSP sQuad equalizers features classic analog hardware-musicality and simplicity. These EQs are easy to use including variable high pass filters or switchable steepness for the shelving filters. These EQs...