SAVIHost is a little derivate of VSTHost that has been crafted for the sole purpose of automatically loading exactly one VSTi. To do so, savihost.exe has to be copied or renamed to the name of the PlugIn's DLL. For example the Plug-In is called blabla.dll...

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VSTHost is a little demonstrational Windows program to understand the inner workings of VST plug-ins. Features include loading VST effects (aka "plugins"), parameterize or edit them, sound output for VSTis, MIDI input and output, loading and saving .fxb...

GMKbd is a general MIDI compatible keyboard simulator. It can be used to send MIDI messages to other applications, such as sequencers. Features include GM, GS, and XG support, "Generic Mode" for nonstandard synths, aftertouch and/or channel pressure...

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SAVIHost is a little derivate of VSTHost that has been crafted for the sole purpose of automatically loading exactly one VSTi. To do so, savihost.exe has to be copied or renamed to the name of the PlugIn's DLL. For example the Plug-In is called blabla.dll...

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VSTHost is a little demonstrational Windows program to understand the inner workings of VST plug-ins. Features include loading VST effects (aka "plugins"), parameterize or edit them, sound output for VSTis, MIDI input and output, loading and saving .fxb...


MidiTrix 1.27

MidiTrix is a little utility program to correct an insufficiency in my MIDI setup. It's evolved into a quite useful MIDI utility in the meantime. This setup contains a chain of 6 eMagic Unitor8 devices. That's exactly what caused the switch from MOTU Midi...

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MultiMID 3.02

MultiMID is a simple application created to circumvent a glaring limitation of most currently available MIDI device drivers which accepts only one client program, session, or connection. MultiMID helps to run more than one program at a time by sharing...

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MIDIJoy 1.0

MIDIJoy is an add-on for MultiMID. It allows using the joystick to add MIDI controller information to a MIDI input device that is capable of adding virtual MIDI messages. It can operate devices like MultiMID: every MIDI input device starting with Multi-...

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WBMan 4.11

WBMan is a preset editor or librarian for the Waveblaster, a daughterboard for the sound blaster 16 or AWE32 series. This daughterboard contains a full-featured synthesizer based on the E-mu proteus...

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