autotools-idl is a patch for automake and some autoconf macros which add support for IDL and C++ ORBs.autotools-idl tries to provide full support for compiling IDL files to C++ stubs and skeletons. The autoconf macros provide an unified detection of...

Alienbuild is a cross-platform build system written in Python with the intent to outperform all other build systems in speed. Smart methods for dependency checking were used in the creation of Alienbuild for the fastest and most optimal build times.A...


Ultimate++ 2008.1

Ultimate++ is a cross-platform C++ rapid application development suite.C++ has the potential to be the most productive language in computing history. Its multiparadigm nature allows the effective development of almost any kind of software, from low level...


SML/NJ 110.67

SML/NJ (Standard ML of New Jersey) consists of a compiler, compilation manager, and libraries for Standard ML. Included are CML (Concurrent ML) and eXene (a toolkit for X based on CML).The compiler produces efficient code for most popular architectures...


Cookbooks 0.1.0

Cookbooks project provides an infrastructure for projects who want to use cook as build tool. In this respect it is much like automake. But it does not generate any files. Also the project is not build recursively, but from the main toplevel...


Buildtool 0.16

Buildtool is a highly integrated shell based build infrastructure. It can be used in the development of any kind of software package, like standalone programs, shared libraries or documentation packages due to its modularity.Here are some key features of...

Dependency Analyzer is a utility for graphically visualizing Maven2 artifacts dependency graphs. It is using Maven embedder for resolving dependencies and based the Java Universal Network/Graph Framework (Jung) for creating and visualizing the dependency...



OMake is a build system with a similar style and syntax to GNU make but with many additional features, including support for large projects spanning multiple directories, default configuration files simplifying the standard compilation tasks, support for...