
zFlickrFeed 1.0.2

zFlickrFeed is a basic Flickr search utility that can get recent photos based on a set of criteria.It supports image tags and individual user upload streams, allowing developers to retrieve and embed on remote sites Flickr images without having to deal...


zWeatherFeed 1.3.1 updated

zWeatherFeed doesn't use an API key and can be used anywhere where jQuery can run.Modeled to work on Yahoo! Weather WOEID identifiers, the plugin translates this code into a location and fetches the most recent available forecast from Yahoo's servers,...


zGoogleMap 1.0.1

zGoogleMap uses simple jQuery calls to define and setup a Google Map on Web pages.With the given variables/settings, the plugin makes a call to the Google Maps API and fetches the map to embed.zGoogleMap works with the latest version of the Google Maps...


zLastFM 1.0.0

zLastFM connects to the official LastFM API and retrieves various information about a person's LastFM account history and statistics.The plugin can be used to fetch anyone's public data, not only the developer's own LastFM account.This allows them to...