
embedly-node 1.0.4

Embedly is a platform for converting URLs into embeddable content.This library allows Node.js developers to interact with the Embed.ly API, and utilize some of the service's features and tools inside Node.js-based websites and...

jQuery Gravatar takes a Gravatar profile username and gets that person's Gravatar profile JSON stream.The plugin goes on to parse this JSON string, extracting various details about the person's Gravatar profile.This data is then outputted on the page,...

node-stock-data is for programmers wanting to build websites, mobile or desktop apps that fetch data from Google Finance and use it in stock and financial analysis operations.For the moment the library can only fetch current data, but selectable...


tumblr.php 0.2.0 updated

Tumblr is a micro-blogging service, recently acquired by Yahoo. It helps users share posts in various formats: audio, video, text, quotes, links. tumblr.php is a PHP library that allows developers to interact with the Tumblr API via HTTP requests. It...