jFlickrFeed can additionally create simple fading slideshows out of the images as well, and even present retrieved photos inside a modal window.jFlickrFeed also comes with a few basic examples to show developers how it can be implemented.There's no need...


jHERE 0.9.0

jHERE provides a way to build and embed Nokie HERE maps on Web pages without having to learn the mapping service's API.jHERE is Zepto.js compatible as well.Features:Set map center Set map zoom level Set map dimensions Set map type (terrain, traffic,...

jQInstaPics taps into the Instagram API and allows developers to fetch their own pictures for displaying on remote sites.While similar plugins only allowed users to search and embed only for specific terms, this plugin uses the Instagram API to let users...

The plugin interfaces between the API and the developer, simplifying the process of utilizing its methods in real-life applications.A demo is included with the download package.For the demo to work properly, you must fix the jQuery loading path in the...

jQuery Github can be used in assembling together a developer's open source repository, if he has chosen to host it on GitHub.The plugin will display a nicely crafted widget with various Github statistics and repository related controls.This includes the...

The plugin uses the GitHub v2 JSON API to retrieve information.Features:Show user account info (link to Github account) List of public repos (can sort ascending or descending) Set the number of repos to retrieve Animate the badge via jQuery What is new in...

jQuery Github Feed offers the tools necessary to embed a list of GitHub repos and Gist code snippets on remote websites.The plugin leverages the official GitHub API, but doesn't require any API key or special coding.Just set the proper username in the...

jQuery gMap

jQuery gMap 2.1.5

The advantage of the plugin is its small file size, at around 2 KB (minified and gzipped). The plugin uses Google's Maps V3 API, so no API key is needed.A working demo is included with the download package.What is new in this release:Update readme...

Coded around the official Google Maps API, this plugin allows heavily customization of Google Maps.This means custom map interfaces, custom markers, custom routes, etc..Examples and usage instructions are included with the download package.Features:Choose...