Free GIF Maker is a handy tool to make gif files from jpg, bmp and png files. Import your image files, and make animated gif files with one click. Keep original image quality as much as possible, and allow specify every frame's duration and...

Internet memes and GIFs are some of the most fun forms of internet media. This GIF maker will allow you to easily and quickly create awesome GIF images that friends, family, and anyone else will enjoy. The best part about this GIF maker is the ease of...

Fun Morph

Fun Morph 3.04

Fun Morph is a funny and easy-to-use photo morphing and warping software. Morph and warp face or image of friends, family, or celebrities. Turn them into a cat or a pig or any jokes. You can save movie in all popular formats, including AVI video, Web...

gbAnimator is a fun and addictive program for creating animated 2D models - shapes that fall, walk, run, bounce, and roll. gbAnimator creates models made of masses linked together with springs. You can drop the models and see how they land, bounce, roll...