Introduction. The game takes place in an enchanted winter forest. Wandering in its fog, you'll meet a blind entity that quests you about your identity. Unfortunately, you can't recall who you are. The creature promises to help you out of the forest only...

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Use movement keys W,A,S,D to direct your way, to rotate the figures and to reach the end of the level. The game allows for an aerial, third person perspective with the option to change the degree of camera...

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Find what you're made of. Find yourself. See how your perceptions and skills change. Steer with left / right or a / d. Drop through platforms with down or s. If you find legs, you can jump with up or w. Find arms to punch with ctrl. Eyes give you the...

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Child's Mind

Child's Mind 4.3.2

The player takes the role of Laila, a little girl who has a lot of imagination and always sees the daily situations in a different way. Accompanied by her dear friend Ted, Laila lives through great adventures, where she needs to face her fears to return...

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Start a spiritual journey into your own mind. You battle your own demons and reinforce your positive feelings and memories along the way. The WASD controls move you around; Left Click reinforces good things; Right click removes bad parts of your mind....

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