
ChuWiki 2.0

To install, just download, unzip, upload to a server and access the ChuWiki website.It will work out of the box and allow anyone accessing the site to edit its content.The wiki works basically like a static site generator, assembling wiki pages from...


WackoWiki 5.4.3 / 5.5 Beta updated

WackoWiki is compatible with MySQL, PDO MySQL and MySQLi.What is new in this release:Removed legacy code. Fixed a number of localization issues. Minor fixes. What is new in version 5.4.3:Removed legacy code. Fixed a number of localization issues. Minor...


Hiki 1.0.0

Hiki was created to provide a way for teams and groups of people to edit a page's text without having admin accounts on a website.The concept is not new, and it is identical to Wikipedia's way of working.Hiki uses the classic wiki syntax, but also...

Webmasters can use FAQ Script PHP to embed a section on their sites where answers to basic questions can be read.FAQ Script PHP allows the administrators to add a question, add the answer and classify it in a category.What FAQ Script PHP doesn't do is to...

Softbiz FAQ Script is a dead simple Q&A system, created to run on classic PHP & MySQL Web hosting server setups.The script is available in two versions, a normal version and a SEO version with a few more SEO-inclined features like metadata...


Raneto 0.9.0 updated

Raneto combines features found in flat-file CMSs and static site generators to provide a fully-working knowledgebase that can help individuals and companies provide support, instructions, and a way to answer simple questions users might have about a...

Kmita FAQ

Kmita FAQ 2.0

Kmita FAQ was designed to work as a Kmita Admin plugin.It can easily be installed on most Web servers and is great to use as customer support solution, helping users with whatever problems they might have when using your services or products.Kmita FAQ can...

WSN Knowledge Base

WSN Knowledge Base 9.2.42 updated

Outside this, WSN Knowledge Base can be also be used for listing articles and news stories as well, being also capable of printing large amounts of text, either added by hand, imported in bulk, or acquired via an RSS feed. WSN Knowledge Base (WSNKB) is...