EVCSoft 1.07

EVCSoft lets you make VoIP SIP voice-video calls to users anywhere in the world. Call PC to PC for free, all you need is EVCSoft installed on each machine, a Webcam plus a microphone and speakers. You can talk and chat free from EVCSoft to EVCSoft and...

IM-Translate features immediate translation of instant messages using an intuitive machine-based language translator. IM-Translate conjugates verbs and uses sentence analysis to render the most accurate translation possible, instantly. Even IM chat...

Watch up to 24 Webcams simultaneously. Save any frame as a picture, or use any Webcam as your screensaver. You can zoom in and zoom out of any Webcam. You can even set the refresh rate of each Webcam. See the world from your desktop. This version is the...

Free YouTube video software. Sites included are Google, Yahoo, AOL, MySpace, Meta Cafe, and DailyMotion. Multi-tab Browser lets you toggle between all the video sites to find all the best videos. Add Favorite feature saves all you best videos. Check-out...

Chat with as many videos as your computer & Internet connection can handle. While viewing videos, you may mute or listen to whom you want when you want. Enter public rooms or create a private room. When receiving an audio/video call, you are provided with...

VideoPhone is a video-communication application that can be used in LAN or Internet. The application has nice user interface and full of features. Application uses effective video-codec developed by Focus Media that allows to use the program with minimal...

A simple, yet very efficient video clip maker software to be used with any Web cam, enable video clip creation (including wmv compression) snapshot taking, e-mail transmission of either video or snapshot and upload to Xone8.com free service. The software...