EzyPage Industrial

EzyPage Industrial 20 updated

EzyPage is a true what you see is what you get PDF, ebook and website design tool that allows you to create up to 600 pages all at the same time, simply by dragging and dropping each object onto the page layout using a number of scale measurements. All...

Audio XML

Audio XML 1.0

A very simple way to save and load mixer settings from a shell program like an MSDOS batch file, or to launch AudioXML.exe from within your application. AudioXML.exe has no dependencies other than the standard Windows DLLs. Simply copy it to the target...

All-in-One Submission is search engine submission software that helps submit your URL to 880,000 search engines, directories, and link pages, including Yahoo, Dmoz, and Google. It includes a Meta tag generator, a key word density analyzer, a doorway page...



SubmissionSoft is an all-in-one, search-engine-submission software that automatically submits your Web site to 800,000 search engines (including Yahoo, Dmoz and Google), directories and FFA link pages. It includes a meta-tag generator, a keyword-density...

CE Extractor extracts data from XML files. It helps enterprises copy, edit, read and analyze useful data. It removes XML tags and extract data with ease. You can get useful data effectively. It can add spaces and new lines to adjust the data. You can save...

Seo Site Expand is software that is dedicated to getting your Web site higher ranking and more attention from the world's leading search engines. The world of online business and search engine placement in general is an ever-evolving one in which you...