Quick XPath is a simple application for Windows 8 application. Quick XPath is an application to help you quickly perform and test XPath queries on XML documents and sections. XPath, the XML Path Language, is a query language for selecting nodes from an...

The "XML to XPath" tool fetches the values of the desired XPaths from the input xml file. Pre-requisites: 1. The tool is in the form .exe file and runs on Windows machines. 2. MS Excel should be installed on the machine. Usage: 1. Extract the contents of...

FindMyNiche is a long tail keywords research and suggestion tool that helps to find thousands of keywords from multiple engines. This tool will instantly generate what keywords search engine thinks are highly relevant to your niches, you can export them...

PDF Submitter

PDF Submitter

Pdf submitter submits your documents, pdfs, and power points to pdf sharing sites and gives you high quality pdf backlinks with just a click... (Supports both normal and private proxies, release new features and bug fixes every 2 weeks).What is new in...

KSnipe Submitter is a full automatic e-commerce promotion tool, which is capable of boosting online sales and building your business reputation. With the strong keyword backlink building system of KSnipe Submitter, you can successively advertise your...