
Lire 1.0

Lire is an Open Source reporting and analysis software, and serving as a nexus of documentation, ideas, and thought on the topic of log files and their potential applications.As any good system administrator knows, there's a lot more to keep track of in...

http-analyze is a log analyzer for web servers. It analyzes the logfile of a web server and creates a comprehensive summary report from the information found there. http-analyze has been optimized to process large logfiles as fast as possible.http-analyze...


filepp 1.8.0

filepp is a generic file preprocessor. It is designed to allow the functionality provided by the C preprocessor to be used with any file type. This project supports the following keywords, all of which have their usual C preprocessor meanings and...

Squid Graph is a free, simple, yet powerful Squid v2 native logfile analysis tool that generates reports with graphical representation of the proxy server's traffic.Squid Graph is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL), which means it is...


JTail 2.1

JTail is an advanced Java/Swing implementation of the Unix tail utility. JTail includes an intuitive GUI interface that enables the user to define multiple data filters and alarms.In addition, the user can suspend and resume the display of data from the...


Bib2x 0.9.0

Bib2x allows the conversion of BibTeX bibliographies to any ASCII/UTF8-based file format (like XHTML, XML, RTF, ...) using templates.Bib2x project allows filtering on a subset of bibliographic entries read from BibTeX databases.Installation:The simplest...


safox 0.5

safox is a simple PHP API for XML handling.safox merges the DOM approach with XML, and it provides a simple, object-oriented API for PHP-based XML generation, parsing, manupilation, and traversal.SAFOX provides a generation package and a package that...