5DtoFCP 1.1

A complete FCS workflow package to get footage from a Canon5DmkII/7D/1D into Final Cut Pro at 25fps. Custom droplets, correctly configured sequence settings and flow chart included to make getting the HD H264 files into FCP easier & quicker. The...

Five free FxPlug filters & generator plugins for Apple's FCP, FCE & Motion and Adobe's After Effects. World: A sun lit Earth generator in 3D space with clouds and city lights. MultiSpace: Puts two inputs into true 3d space with global & independent XYZ &...


CoverFlux 2.0.1

We have all seen the gorgeous scrolling image carousel that iTunes and now the Leopard finder uses. CoverFlux, the free FxPlug plugin reproduces that effect for still images by producing movies & project files for FCP, FCE4 & Motion. CoverFlux takes a...

Explode video into stars or burn it up into smoke. Write on text with glitter or dissolve objects into bubbles. Add sparkle to transitions, or shatter into pixels. All are one click away with ParticleMetrix. This revolutionary plugin turns live video,...