The PayPal Payment Buttons library allows developers to add "Buy Now", "Donate", "Subscribe", "Add to Cart" and "QR Code Buy Now" PayPal buttons on their page.These buttons are true payment buttons, and not just shelled CSS frames, redirecting users...

Responsive Toggle is a UI widget that allows a box or section to be closed or opened when clicking on it.It's basically a classic toggle button that can reveal and then hide content. The difference is that Responsive Toggle, as its name hints, allows...

Edge Alerts allows developers to use their very own CSS to style the alert window, improving the way it looks and avoiding its ugly default graphics from standing out from the rest of the site's user interface.A default CSS style is included by default...

Responsive Accordion works like any other accordion panel, the only difference from similar plugins being its fluid layout that allows it to adapt to the user's viewport size.This means you can deploy it with mobile-friendly projects without having to...

The Bootstrap Help Guide component is actually made of two parts: - VTour - VGuide The VTour component is for creating virtual step-by-step tours, showing one popup after another, guiding the user one step at a time through a series of operations. ...

jQuery.stickFooter is not a tool for creating "fixed footers" that stay visible at any time, but footer elements that automatically stick to the bottom of any page or container, without the aid of any type of CSS hack.These types of footers are easy...

css-toggle reproduces the famous UI toggle button pattern via CSS 3 transitions only.Since there can be only one opened state at a time, putting more than one toggle element near each other will produce a nifty looking accordion widget. All produced with...

Sensei Grid

Sensei Grid 0.3.7 updated

Sensei Grid uses jQuery to let users select a table cell using their mouse and press Enter to activate the editing mode.Content can then be edited using a text input field or a textarea, but if certain limitations must be respected for the table data, the...

Notify-Them allows developers to show quick flashing notification bars at the top of the page.The library supports a success and an error notification type for positive and negative messages.The whole component is quite portable and can be added to any...

jQuery Tabinate was created for instances where the entire jQuery UI framework is not needed, but only a simple tab panel component.This lightweight jQuery plugin can take an HTML list and different DIVs, tying them together so whenever the user selects a...