Power Meter Plus is for laptop for displaying how much power my battery had left. It gradually appears as the power levels drop. The lower the power, the more prominent the meter will be. When you're charging the laptop it'll turn green and slowly...


EnguiMapCLI 1.2.1b

EnguiMapCLI was created as the result of a partnership between EnguiSoft and Kraig Beahn, CEO at L2Networks Corp. EnguiMapCLI provides basic CLI style IP MTU testing, estimating the default internet transit providers maximum transport unit, while also...

BatteryCat allows the user to monitor the computer battery. You can use for different things like to view your current battery and maximum battery charge, or to see if your charger is connected and your battery is being charged.What is new in this...

Tray Tools 2000 allows you to place up to 24 program icons in the Taskbar Tray. Program icons that you place there can be launched by clicking your mouse on them. To add new programs or modify existing items click your mouse on the small red toolbox icon...

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Windows Medkit help you to remove the errors that caused by the virus but not the virus first you must remove the virus by the traditional ways (Antivirus or Manually). Windows Medkit allows you to fix ineffective show hidden files, ineffective show...


EasyTxt 2.0.2b

EasyTxt is a program that help you to save time in typing commonly used phrases. It allows you to store and organize commonly used phrases and access them using keyboard shortcuts or the mouse, allowing friendlier access without the need to move away from...

Error Messages for Windows is a small utility that will allow you to look up MS Windows error code numbers and display a descriptive message explaining what the numeric code actually means. If you have software programs that produce numeric error codes...

Easily log the percentage of your laptop battery, monitor it over the discharge and recharge period to see if the battery spikes at all - if a battery jumps largely (up or down) it can be the signs of a bad battery. Very handy to have to prove a faulty...