If you own a site on the Web, you're practically guaranteed to get spammed, right? This conventional wisdom has held true for a long time. With the proliferation of automatic "spambot" programs that suck the e-mail addresses out of every site they visit,...

KnockOut Spam transparently integrates into Outlook and works with any email account you check in Outlook, POP, IMAP, Exchange, and Hotmail. It uses Bayesian filtering to filter your good email to your Inbox and spam and unsure emails to Inbox sub-folders...

Spam Runner is a Microsoft Outlook plug-in that intelligently filters your incoming e-mail, removing spam from your Inbox. It uses a Bayesian algorithm that delivers a high level of accuracy and ensures that very few good mails are detected as spam. Spam...

Spam Filter for Outlook is an anti-spam product designed to prevent spam from your inbox. It works as a plug-in in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. More than 1,500 custom rules are included in its content filtering system, so you would never have to...

Ensnare - The Spam Fighter monitors your POP3 accounts and checks e-mail for spam. Ensnare identifies spam with a combination of whitelists, blacklists and an adaptive statistical filter. It then places the spam in isolation for your later perusal and/or...


Junk-Out 1.14.0048

Junk-Out keeps junk mail out of your Microsoft Outlook Inbox, using a combination of statistical methods (Bayesian filtering) and information you provide, to show only e-mail messages you want to see. The more you use Junk-Out, the better it gets at...

Deletes Spam without you ever having to see it, based on key word/phrases. Monitor multiple IMAP or POP3 email accounts. Specify a list of phrases/words that identify a message as Spam. Monitor multiple email accounts. Delete blank emails. Delete foreign...


SpamSnub 2.0

SpamSnub uses technology that knows whether a message is spam, and doesn't use formulas, AI, or algorithms to formulate an educated guess if a message is spam because guessing causes false positives. SecureNode offers 95+% spam catch rate, while at the...