Manjaro Cup of Linux Edition is an open source distribution of Linux, a community derived Manjaro edition built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment and including a wide range of utilities and tweaks that are not available in the main Manjaro...

Manjaro Linux KDE

Manjaro Linux KDE 16.10.3 / 17.0 RC2 updated

Manjaro Linux KDE is an open source Linux operating system that uses all the powerful features found on other Manjaro editions, but on top of a highly customized KDE desktop environment. It is based on the Arch Linux distribution, which means that it is a...

Manjaro Linux Xfce

Manjaro Linux Xfce 16.10.3 / 17.0 RC2 updated

Manjaro Linux is an open source and completely free Linux operating system based on the powerful Arch Linux distribution. It uses a tool called BoxIt, which is designed to work like a Git repository. Besides the fact that the Manjaro distribution uses...

Manjaro i3 Community Edition

Manjaro i3 Community Edition 16.10.3 / 17.0 RC1 updated

As its name suggests, Manjaro i3 Community Edition is a special flavor of the popular Arch Linux based Manjaro operating system that gives creative programmers a tiling window manager that was written completely from scratch. Available only for 64-bit...