django-generate is a content generation application for Django.What is new in this release:Use _default_manager instead of objects manager to allow for overrides. What is new in version 0.0.5:Only pass fields that support an exact lookup to...

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jmbo-paste 0.1.6

jmbo-paste contains Python Paste templates creating Jmbo Buildout environments.This packages is part of the larger Jmbo project .What is new in this release:Added jmbo-generic...

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django-richcomments is a Django app extending the comments framework for RIA.What is new in this release:Documentation, static media...

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django-order 0.0.7

django-order is a Django app providing arbitrary, admin user specified, object ordering.What is new in this release:django-object-tools refactor. What is new in version 0.5:No longer use class_prepared...

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wsgi-ua-mapper is a WSGI app mapping requesting User Agent to arbitrary value through user defined module. Utilizes Wurfl to deliver requesting device info.What is new in this release:Allowed for default user...

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Django app for determining site section by request.Installation 1. Add section.context_processors.section to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in your settings file: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS =...

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jmbo-calendar is a calendar application for Jmbo.What is new in this release:Add missing South migration dependency. What is new in version 0.2.3:Friendlier URLs. Do not show canonical image on detail view if images provided in rich text content. Order...

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jmbo-social 0.0.6

jmbo-social is a social application for Jmbo, collecting third party social...

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autoload 0.0.1

autoload is a simple HTTPerf loadtest runner with pretty output.Installing: sudo apt-get install httperf libgraphicsmagick++-dev libboost-python-devRequirements:Python GraphicsMagick Boost...

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