
Mp4Autotag 0.1.5

Mp4AutoTag is a meta data editor for mp4 file types. Mp4AutoTag atempts to locate your mp4 file by file name in or It then allows you to save the information to the file. You can also edit the results, attach different images,...


Mp4Split 0.0.6

Mp4Split allows it's user to "split" an MP4 file into multiple different segments. Along with splitting the movie up, it can also be used to extract segments of video from a movie file. Mp4Split uses ffmpeg -vcodec copy option to split your movies as...


Mp4DVD 0.0.8

Mp4DVD is a DVD back-up tool used to rip a DVD track into a Mp4 with Chapter marks added. It can also be used to copy title VOB files, or to mirror the DVD's VIDEO_TS folder. Used along with Mp4Split for backing up TV Show DVDs were the episodes are all...

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