Classic Tooltip works like any other tooltip UX pattern, showing a small bubble next to a hovered element.The tooltip's style is quire basic, and the developer can easily pass it any kind of text.It can also be attached to any element, may it be a button,...

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Horizontal Scroller can be used for viewing a collection of images or deployed as a navigation system for your Flash component.Configuring it is done using a XML file where settings an be made to both the component's behavior and its list of...

Fading Slider can show a list of photos in a horizontal line, fading the items on the exterior.To move the slider along its path, just move the mouse cursor to the extremes and it will automatically scroll the thumbs in that direction.The component can be...

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Flash Virtual Keyboard AS3 can be used from desktop and touchscreen-enabled devices alike.It works by presenting the user with a classic keyboard layout where users can fill in their details by pressing the keys on screen.The user also has the possibility...

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Vertical Scroller can be used for two things: viewing images or as a navigation menu.Configuring the component is done via an external XML file, where settings can be made to the scroller's behavior and its list of photos.The photos can be linked to an...


Tooltip v2

Tooltip works based on a XML settings file, producing nice looking tips when hovering a specific page element.Variables like the tooltip's dimensions, border, color, and padding can be tweaked, along with the amount of time it stays visible, display...

3D Cover Flow Menu AS3 uses a XML files with over 35 settings to let developers tweak its delivery. Here programmers can not only adjust how the carousel moves and behaviors to user input, but also what are the images and texts displayed with the cover...