The interface is styled after the Skype GUI on the Mac.Every person has an image avatar, location and status attached.Actions can be attached to two little icons on the right of the person's status.Features:Expanding and hiding contact details. Layout...

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The list is shown inside an iPhone mock-up graphic, using iPhone-like graphics.Features:XHTML and CSS valid. "Top indicator" changes character while scrolling (Just like the iPhone). Including "Search" on the right (Just like the...

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After unlocking, the script will redirect the user to another page.The script can be used to lock certain pages of a website, or to simply power iPhone web-based simulations.Features:XHTML and CSS valid. "Timer" displays the current time (Just...

The game board is built using CSS3 and the HTML5 canvas tag.The rules are simple.If the user clicks on one circle, the other circles around it will toggle state.Meaning if one is turned on, it will turn off and vice versa.Requirements:JavaScript enabled...

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The letters are shown inside falling rain drops.The players have topress the letter before it falls to the ground.The game has two diffculty levels and can keep track of scores.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client side jQuery jQuery UI jQuery...

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A vertical sliced panels effect is used to transition between the billboard's panels.Requirements:CSS3 enabled browser Limitations:Only Safari and Google Chrome support the billboard transition...

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The quotes are animated and smoothly transitioned one to another.The quotes are not taken from the page's HTML, but provided in the JS script itself.The container and other design details can be easily be modified via CSS.Requirements:JavaScript enabled...