
zc.monitor 0.3.1

zc.monitor is a server that provides a command-line interface to request various bits of information. The server is zc.ngi based, so we can use the zc.ngi testing infrastructure to demonstrate it. >>> import zc.ngi.testing >>> import...


zc.resumelb 0.6.2

zc.resumelb is a tool that provides a load balancer for WSGI applications that sorts requests into request classes and assigns requests of a given class to the same workers.The load balancer can benefit you if you have an application that:- has too...

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zc.s3uploadqueue provides a handy script to upload files to Amazon S3 asynchronously. To learn more, see src/zc/s3uploadqueue/README.txtWhat is new in this release:Use 'OrdinaryCallingFormat' to HTTPS certificate validation works when accessing...

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