The 'Facebook Login Using Java Servlets' script allows webmasters to authenticate site users via their Facebook account username and password.The script supports login and logout operations, along with the possibility of fetching profile details once the...

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The Login System provides a toolkit for webmasters to enable a social login and registration system on their site.Site visitors will be able to access and login on a site with one of their social network profiles of their choice and use the appropriate...

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The 'Twitter Login' script allows webmasters to authenticate site users via their Twitter username and password.For the authentication procedures, the script uses the OAuth 2.0 secure protocol and the Twitter4J library.Besides login and logout operations,...

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The long-titled 'Instagram Login Using OAuth 2.0 in Java Servlets' script allows webmasters to authenticate users via their Instagram username and password.Besides login and logout operations, the script can also pull profile details once the user...

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As the name implies, the 'Facebook Login Using Javascript' is a portable user authentication system that can be used on any Web page to authenticate users.It's easy to setup and requires the user to change the default Facebook App ID credentials (it will...

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Hover-Zoom is a jQuery plugin to provide a zoom effect while hovering an image.Pressing "B" while a hover panel is visible closes the image preview and allows the user to view the rest of the page unimpeded. Pressing "B" again will reactivate the image...


Tumbax 1.0

Tumbax uses the Tumblr API to fetch recent posts from a Tumblr blog and embed them in a desired location.This is done using a preset layout template, allowing users to re-style their Tumblr blog.Basically you can use Tumbax as a way to provide custom...


Youmax 2.0

Youmax uses YouTube's public API to retrieve desired playlists and videos from a user's public profile.Once fetched, the videos will be presented as a series of thumbs displayed on a grid.When clicked these thumbs will play the video inside a floating...