HTML-Graphs is a charting toolkit that doesn't need any special graphics or JavaScript frameworks to work.Developers can build and embed simple charts using nothing more than HTML code, adding labels and legends to each generated item.The bar charts...

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JS-PingPong is a JavaScript port of Pong, one of the first video games ever created.The game's engine supports score keeping, in-play pausing, start and end screens.Two persons can play, a human versus a computer, or the computer can be left on his own to...

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MIMEmail (PHP)

MIMEmail (PHP) 2.3 updated

Basically, if the user just wants to send a simple message with plain text and don't want to attach any files to it, he doesn't need this script.He can use the PHP mail-function instead.However, if you want to send HTML mails including images and...

JS-Calculator is a popup that displays a calculator whenever the user requests it.The calculator pad comes with controls for working with hexedecimal and decimal bases, supports basic math operations, along with a fewer more advanced ones.Results are...

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Use this script to analyse sendmail logfiles created by the syslog daemon. It was tested with SuSE Linux 8.2.The reports are available in HTML and ASCII formats.The ASCII format is useful if this class is included into a script that you run from the...

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JS-CheckForm is a classic client-side form processor, a tool that checks what the user has entered inside a form's fields and shows a warning popup if undesired or missing data is found.The script works totally inside the browser and can be a good...

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JS-Slideshow is a basic featured content slider capable of rotating both images and HTML-formatted text.It can be used in a wide variety of ways and comes with lots of user-friendly controls.JS-Slideshow provides play/pause buttons, a numbered pagination...

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JS-RichEdit transforms a textarea field into a rich text editor, adding multiple toolbars at the top of the input section, full of controls that can help users in formatting their entered text.The editor gives an instant preview of the formatted text,...

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JS-iLoader is recommended for usage on larger image-heavy websites, where sometimes the user is fooled in thinking the page has loaded, but the images have not been all properly displayed.This occurs that the DOM is much smaller than an actual image and...


JS-Loader 1.7

JS-Loader is similar to JS-iLoader, but masks the loading operations under a progress bar.As with the original, the script can be applied only to a page's photos and acts like a image preloading mechanism.Once the pictures are all loaded and ready for...