The Free Flash Carousel component shows a series of images using a 3D tilted circle.Hovering over an image will show a small caption text, along with a link.Clicking on an image redirects the user to the aforementioned link.To rotate and navigate the...

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At page load, the Flash 3D Carousel shows a series of photos rotating in a circle.A user can use his mouse to spin the circle in any direction he wants and view only a desired element.Hovering the mouse over an item will reveal a small caption underneath...

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The Simple Vertical Menu component is easy to use and easy to deploy and comes with a XML settings file where the menu's items can be edited, added or removed.This makes the menu ideal for dynamic websites where the menu's structure changes on a regular...

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It comes in different variations, with various masked transition types.The transition effect is triggered at mouse click and can be used as a basis for Flash-based image slideshows.The package contains an example and the .FLA source...

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The Flash XML Thumbnail Slider component is controlled via an external XML configuration file.This file allows programmers to customize images and their description, adding or removing items, just by editing a few lines of code.Flash XML Thumbnail Slider...

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Image thumbnails are rotated in a carousel motion. The user can can utilize the sideways scrolling button underneath them to navigate and choose the item he wants to view better.Hovering the mouse cursor over a thumbnail will show a tooltip with a small...

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Hovering the mouse over a thumbnail shows a tooltip with the image's title.Clicking an image will show the image in a modal. Clicking again on the modal will show the photo's description and title.To change the 3D Curve Gallery images, the image thumbs,...

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The component is controlled via an external XML settings file, which allows users to customize content just by changing a few lines of code.By default, when first loading the page, Thumbnail Carousel will show a circle of auto-rotating thumbnails.Hovering...

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The Bar Gallery component uses a local XML file to store its settings.Here developers can modify anything in both the gallery's behavior and its content.All these modifications can be made without installing a Flash IDE and without recompiling the SWF...

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3D Motion Flow uses the Away3D and Tweener animation engines for smooth and fast 3D perspective renderings.At page load images are loaded as random thumbnails displayed on the page's canvas.Hovering the mouse around them makes them pop up and align...